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Our Services

Web Design

£ 1250
  • Up to 6 pages (Home, About, Contact, Services, Testimonials etc)
  • E-Commerce Sites Available On Request
  • 1 Year Free Hosting

Website Design

Our website design services are created with the end user in mind. Every website should have an ultimate goal and our job is to guide your customer on a journey to achieve your goal. 

We cover everything from the initial design right the way through to creating a user friendly website that has a great structure, an intuitive navigation, smart call to action placement, responsive on all devices and a host more necessities, we would love to talk to you about your requirements and see how we can turn your perfect website idea into a reality. 

Digital Ads Managment

Are you looking for a boost in sales, kick launch a new product or sell more of a particular service and you strive for fast, tangible results? Then look no further then Pay Per Click (PPC). 

Our Digital Ads Management service is the boost you have been looking for. We design, create and manage an effective and engaging marketing campaign that puts your product to the right people at the right time. Utilizing a variety of different platforms depending on your circumstances and needs, we strategize as to where your advertising budget can gain the most value and receive the biggest impact. 

So do you need more leads, extra sales or find out where the next client is coming from? Contact us today and let one of our campaigns kickstart you on the journey to success. 

Our service also includes comprehensive lead management to ensure you never miss an opportunity again! 

Digital Ads Management (PPC)

£ 499
  • Ads Creation
  • Ads Management
  • Optimization & Reporting

Digital Ads Management (PPC)

£ 499
  • Ads Creation
  • Ads Management
  • Optimization & Reporting

Digital Ads Managment

Are you looking for a boost in sales, kick launch a new product or sell more of a particular service and you strive for fast, tangible results? Then look no further then Pay Per Click (PPC). 

Our Digital Ads Management service is the boost you have been looking for. We design, create and manage an effective and engaging marketing campaign that puts your product to the right people at the right time. Utilizing a variety of different platforms depending on your circumstances and needs, we strategize as to where your advertising budget can gain the most value and receive the biggest impact. 

So do you need more leads, extra sales or find out where the next client is coming from? Contact us today and let one of our campaigns kickstart you on the journey to success. 

Our service also includes comprehensive lead management to ensure you never miss an opportunity again! 

SEO & Web Maintainence

£ 299
  • SEO Rich Content
  • Keyword Research
  • Web Maintainence & Security

SEO & Web Management Services

SEO & Website maintenance often work hand in hand which is why we have bundled this package together. Your website is your store front, and if the doors are barricaded, stock every where and the shop is in disarray, you wouldn’t get any customers. And that is exactly what happens with many websites. SEO is about using the right terminology, having a well structured website and good coding. 

We use the latest SEO software combined with your knowledge and our expertise to add fresh content to your site on a monthly basis which is rich with the terminology search engines want to see from your website. Along side this, we keep all your relevant plug ins up to date to ensure your site is fully optimized. 

Prices start from £299 depending on your requirements.

Social Media Management

Our Social Media Package is taking the area by storm. Unlike many digital marketing companies, we believe to push you and your social media, we need to spend some quality time with you. 

Yes, social media can be a fantastic platform for advertising, but where it really comes into its own is the reach it has to get out to potential customers. The only way to fully utilize that reach is by creating fun and engaging content in a consistent manner. 

One of the best things about the majority of businesses in the UK is the people behind them. 

Let us help tell your story to the world and watch how a strong reach on social media directly corresponds with an increase in sales, customer loyalty and revenue generated. 

Prices start from £299 as per your requirements. 

Social Media Management

£ 299
  • Minimum of 12 Posts Per Month
  • SEO Rich Content To Link To Website
  • Minimum of 1 Video Per Month / 4 Blogs / 7 Posts
  • Monthly Visits For Content Creation

Social Media Management

£ 299
  • Minimum of 12 Posts Per Month
  • SEO Rich Content To Link To Website
  • 1 Video Per Month / 4 Blogs / 7 Posts
  • Monthly Visits For Content Creation

Social Media Management

Our Social Media Package is taking the area by storm. Unlike many digital marketing companies, we believe to push you and your social media, we need to spend some quality time with you. 

Yes, social media can be a fantastic platform for advertising, but where it really comes into its own is the reach it has to get out to potential customers. The only way to fully utilize that reach is by creating fun and engaging content in a consistent manner. 

One of the best things about the majority of businesses in the UK is the people behind them. 

Let us help tell your story to the world and watch how a strong reach on social media directly corresponds with an increase in sales, customer loyalty and revenue generated. 

Prices start from £299 as per your requirements. 

So Have You Got The Capacity For More Business?

Contact us today and lets work together to sky rocket your online presence and start working with new customers!